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Adult Summer Bootcamp

July 8-19, 2024 M-F


In Person: Cañada College 4200 Farm Hill Blvd, Redwood City 94061



The Spark AR Adult Summer Program at Cañada College 


The Spark Augmented Reality (AR) Design Summer Program offered by Cañada College and Jobs for the Future is a thrilling opportunity for learners interested in developing AR skills for graphic design, 3-D animation/motion graphics, digital marketing, web development, and UX design, among a wide array of other relevant career tracks.

We are offering an evening summer program to support those in our community who have interest in pursuing a career in this industry, or looking to sharpen up their job skills with new advanced applications! Join us for 2 weeks where you will learn to create AR effects that can be used for social media marketing, enhancing a business, or even just for fun!

Through this program you will join a community of students, earn a certificate of completion, and potentially win a raffle at our final event celebration!

Register Today!


Watch a sneak peek of what you will learn!