Course Descriptions
GEOG 100 Physical Geography (3 units)
A study of the Earth and the processes that create and shape its physical features and landforms. Topics include Earth dimensions and motions, seasons, map reading, weather and climate, tectonic and surface process, landforms, and tools used by geographers. Emphasis is placed on recognizing, describing, and interpreting the spatial distribution of Earth features, the processes that form these features, and their relationship to humanity. Field trip may be required.
GEOG 110 Cultural Geography (3 units)
Cultural geography is the spatial study of human populations, cultural origins, and the diffusion of cultural expression over time. Topics include demography, the influence of environmental factors on human settlement, urbanization and landscape modification, language, religion, political and economic systems, and the role of technology. Emphasis is placed on the spatial interactions amongst nature, society, and culture.
GEOG 150 World Regional Geography (3 units)
Geographic analysis of the physical, cultural, and population patterns of world regions. A critical examination, with historical context, is also made of the economy and politics, sociocultural issues, environmental issues, and measures of human well-being within each region. This course is aimed at helping students make sense of world events, environments, cultures, conflicts, and lifestyles, and to begin to prepare them for life in an increasingly global community.
GEOG 695 Independent Study (0.5- 3 units)
Designed for students who are interested in furthering their knowledge via self-paced, individualized instruction provided in selected areas or directed study to be arranged with instructor and approved by the division dean using the Independent Study Form. Varying modes of instruction can be used -- laboratory, research, skill development, etc. For each unit earned, students are required to devote three hours per week throughout the semester. Students may take only one Independent Study course within a given discipline.