Final Exam Schedule

Summer Session 2024

Final examinations for all summer classes will be held on the last meeting day of the class.

Please note: College offices are CLOSED ON FRIDAYS DURING SUMMER.

Fall Semester 2024

Please note: Short Courses final examinations are given the last day of class.

Day, On-Campus/Synchronous Classes

The following schedule applies to day, full-term, on-campus/synchronous courses with lecture, lab, and/or lecture/lab components.

Time and Days of Regular Class Meeting Time and Day of Final Examination
8:00 or 8:10 am MTWTh, MWF, MW, Daily 8:10 - 10:40 am Monday December 16
8:00/8:10 or 9:10 am Fri 2:10 - 4:40 pm Monday December 16
8:10 am TTh, T, Th 8:10 - 10:40 am Tuesday December 10
9:10 am MWF, MW, Daily 8:10 - 10:40 am Wednesday December 11
9:35/9:45 or 10:10 am MTWTh, TTh, T, Th 8:10 - 10:40 am Thursday December 12
9:35/9:45 or 10:10 am MWF, MW, Daily  8:10 - 10:40 am Friday December 13
11:10 am TTh, T, Th 11:10 am - 1:40 pm Tuesday December 10
11:10 am MWF, MW, MTWTh, Daily 11:10 am - 1:40 pm Wednesday December 11
12:10 pm MWF, MW, Daily 11:10 am - 1:40 pm Friday December 13
12:10, 12:35 or 12:45 pm TTh, T, Th  11:10 am - 1:40 pm Thursday December 12
12:35/12:45; 1:10 or 1:35 pm MWF, MW, MTWTh, Daily  2:10 - 4:40 pm Wednesday December 11
1:10 pm TTh, T, Th 2:10 - 4:40 pm Tuesday December 10
2:10 pm MWF, MW, Daily 2:10 - 4:40 pm Friday December 13
2:10 pm TTh, T, Th 2:10 - 4:40 pm Thursday December 12
All Others   11:10 am - 1:40 pm Monday December 16


  • Day classes are those that start prior to 4:30 pm
  • The last meeting for a laboratory class will consist of either a final exam OR regular instruction during finals week.
  • When a course meets 4 days per week, use the time for the Daily class.
  • If your class meets at a time other than those listed, please check with your instructor for further information regarding your final examination.
  • Examinations start promptly at time indicated and are held in the same room in which the class regularly meets.
  • Students with an unavoidable conflict in their final examination schedules should make arrangements with one of the instructors to take the examination with another group.

Evening / Off-Campus / Weekend Classes

Final examinations for all evening, off-campus, Saturday and Sunday classes will be given during the LAST class meeting scheduled for the course. If a class meets more than once a week, regular instruction is to be held for each evening the class meets prior to the final exam.


  • Evening classes are those that start at 4:30 pm or thereafter
  • For lecture based, on-campus, full-term evening courses that meet once a week, mandatory final examinations are scheduled during the last class meeting as shown below.
  • For lab based, on-campus, full-term evening courses that meet once a week, mandatory final lab examinations OR last day of laboratory instruction, are scheduled during the last class meeting as shown below.
  • Evening courses that meet two nights per week meet both nights during Finals. The first night is a regular class
    meeting and the Final Exam is held on the second night.
Regular Class Meeting Final Examinations
Monday only classes Monday, December 16
Tuesday only classes Tuesday, December 10
Wednesday only classes Wednesday, December 11
Thursday only classes Thursday, December 12
Friday only classes Friday, December 13
Saturday only classes Saturday, December 14
Sunday only classes Sunday, December 15

Past Final Exam Schedules

Spring Semester 2024

Please note: Short Courses final examinations are given the last day of class.

Day, On-Campus/Synchronous Classes

The following schedule applies to day, full-term, on-campus/synchronous courses with lecture, lab, and/or lecture/lab components.

Time and Days of Regular Class Meeting Time and Day of Final Examination
8:00 or 8:10 am MTWTh, MWF, MW, Daily 8:10 - 10:40 am Friday May 24
8:00/8:10 or 9:10 am Fri 2:10 - 4:40 pm Friday May 24
8:10 am TTh, T, Th 8:10 - 10:40 am Thursday May 23
9:10 am MWF, MW, Daily 8:10 - 10:40 am Monday May 20
9:35/9:45 or 10:10 am MTWTh, TTh, T, Th 8:10 - 10:40 am Tuesday May 21
9:35/9:45 or 10:10 am MWF, MW, Daily  8:10 - 10:40 am Wednesday May 22
11:10 am TTh, T, Th 11:10 am - 1:40 pm Thursday May 23
11:10 am MWF, MW, MTWTh, Daily 11:10 am - 1:40 pm Monday May 20
12:10 pm MWF, MW, Daily 11:10 am - 1:40 pm Wednesday May 22
12:10, 12:35 or 12:45 pm TTh, T, Th  11:10 am - 1:40 pm Tuesday May 21
12:35/12:45; 1:10 or 1:35 pm MWF, MW, MTWTh, Daily  2:10 - 4:40 pm Monday May 20
1:10 pm TTh, T, Th 2:10 - 4:40 pm Thursday May 23
2:10 pm MWF, MW, Daily 2:10 - 4:40 pm Wednesday May 22
2:10 pm TTh, T, Th 2:10 - 4:40 pm Tuesday May 21
All Others   11:10 am - 1:40 pm Friday May 24
  • Day classes are those that start prior to 4:30 pm
  • The last meeting for a laboratory class will consist of either a final exam OR regular instruction during finals week.
  • When a course meets 4 days per week, use the time for the Daily class.
  • If your class meets at a time other than those listed, please check with your instructor for further information regarding your final examination.
  • Examinations start promptly at time indicated and are held in the same room in which the class regularly meets.
  • Students with an unavoidable conflict in their final examination schedules should make arrangements with one of the instructors to take the examination with another group.

Evening / Off-Campus / Weekend Classes

Final examinations for all evening, off-campus, Saturday and Sunday classes will be given during the LAST class meeting scheduled for the course. If a class meets more than once a week, regular instruction is to be held for each evening the class meets prior to the final exam.

  • Evening classes are those that start at 4:30 pm or thereafter
  • For lecture based, on-campus, full-term evening courses that meet once a week, mandatory final examinations are scheduled during the last class meeting as shown below.
  • For lab based, on-campus, full-term evening courses that meet once a week, mandatory final lab examinations OR last day of laboratory instruction, are scheduled during the last class meeting as shown below.
  • Evening courses that meet two nights per week meet both nights during Finals. The first night is a regular class
    meeting and the Final Exam is held on the second night.
Regular Class Meeting Final Examinations
Monday only classes Monday, December 16
Tuesday only classes Tuesday, December 10
Wednesday only classes Wednesday, December 11
Thursday only classes Thursday, December 12
Friday only classes Friday, December 13
Saturday only classes Saturday, December 14
Sunday only classes Sunday, December 15


Fall Semester 2023

Please note: Short Courses final examinations are given the last day of class.

Day, On-Campus/Synchronous Classes

The following schedule applies to day, full-term, on-campus/synchronous courses with lecture, lab, and/or lecture/lab components.

Time and Days of Regular Class Meeting Time and Day of Final Examination
8:00 or 8:10 am MTWTh, MWF, MW, Daily 8:10 - 10:40 am Friday December 15
8:00/8:10 or 9:10 am Fri 2:10 - 4:40 pm Friday December 15
8:10 am TTh, T, Th 8:10 - 10:40 am Tuesday December 12
9:10 am MWF, MW, Daily 8:10 - 10:40 am Monday December 11
9:35/9:45 or 10:10 am MTWTh, TTh, T, Th 8:10 - 10:40 am Thursday December 14
9:35/9:45 or 10:10 am MWF, MW, Daily  8:10 - 10:40 am Wednesday December 13
11:10 am TTh, T, Th 11:10 am - 1:40 pm Tuesday December 12
11:10 am MWF, MW, MTWTh, Daily 11:10 am - 1:40 pm Monday December 11
12:10 pm MWF, MW, Daily 11:10 am - 1:40 pm Wednesday December 13
12:10, 12:35 or 12:45 pm TTh, T, Th  11:10 am - 1:40 pm Thursday December 14
12:35/12:45; 1:10 or 1:35 pm MWF, MW, MTWTh, Daily  2:10 - 4:40 pm Monday December 11
1:10 pm TTh, T, Th 2:10 - 4:40 pm Tuesday December 12
2:10 pm MWF, MW, Daily 2:10 - 4:40 pm Wednesday December 13
2:10 pm TTh, T, Th 2:10 - 4:40 pm Thursday December 14
Other day classes   11:10 am - 1:40 pm Friday December 15
  • Day classes are those that start prior to 4:30 pm
  • The last meeting for a laboratory class will consist of either a final exam OR regular instruction during finals week.
  • When a course meets 4 days per week, use the time for the Daily class.
  • If your class meets at a time other than those listed, please check with your instructor for further information regarding your final examination.
  • Examinations start promptly at time indicated and are held in the same room in which the class regularly meets.
  • Students with an unavoidable conflict in their final examination schedules should make arrangements with one of the instructors to take the examination with another group.

Evening / Off-Campus / Weekend Classes (Fall Semester 2023)

Final examinations for all evening, off-campus, Saturday and Sunday classes will be given during the LAST class meeting scheduled for the course. If a class meets more than once a week, regular instruction is to be held for each evening the class meets prior to the final exam.

  • Evening classes are those that start at 4:30 pm or thereafter
  • For lecture based, on-campus, full-term evening courses that meet once a week, mandatory final examinations are scheduled during the last class meeting as shown below.
  • For lab based, on-campus, full-term evening courses that meet once a week, mandatory final lab examinations OR last day of laboratory instruction, are scheduled during the last class meeting as shown below.
Regular Class Meeting Final Examinations
Monday only classes Monday, December 11
Tuesday only classes Tuesday, December 12
Wednesday only classes Wednesday, December 13
Thursday only classes Thursday, December 14
Friday only classes Friday, December 15
Saturday only classes Saturday, December 16
Sunday only classes Sunday, December 10

Summer Session 2023

Final examinations for all summer classes will be held on the last meeting day of the class.

Please note: College offices are CLOSED ON FRIDAYS DURING SUMMER.

Spring Semester 2023

Please note: Short Courses final examinations are given the last day of class.

Day, On-Campus/Synchronous Classes

The following schedule applies to day, full-term, on-campus/synchronous courses with lecture, lab, and/or lecture/lab components.

Time and Days of Regular Class Meeting Time and Day of Final Examination
8:00 or 8:10 am MTWTh, MWF, MW, Daily 8:10 - 10:40 am Friday May 26
8:00/8:10 or 9:10 am Fri 2:10 - 4:40 pm Friday May 26
8:10 am TTh, T, Th 8:10 - 10:40 am Thursday May 25
9:10 am MWF, MW, Daily 8:10 - 10:40 am Monday May 22
9:35/9:45 or 10:10 am MTWTh, TTh, T, Th 8:10 - 10:40 am Tuesday May 23
9:35/9:45 or 10:10 am MWF, MW, Daily  8:10 - 10:40 am Wednesday May 24
11:10 am TTh, T, Th 11:10 am - 1:40 pm Thursday May 25
11:10 am MWF, MW, MTWTh, Daily 11:10 am - 1:40 pm Monday May 22
12:10 pm MWF, MW, Daily 11:10 am - 1:40 pm Wednesday May 24
12:10, 12:35 or 12:45 pm TTh, T, Th  11:10 am - 1:40 pm Tuesday May 23
12:35/12:45; 1:10 or 1:35 pm MWF, MW, MTWTh, Daily  2:10 - 4:40 pm Monday May 22
1:10 pm TTh, T, Th 2:10 - 4:40 pm Thursday May 25
2:10 pm MWF, MW, Daily 2:10 - 4:40 pm Wednesday May 24
2:10 pm TTh, T, Th 2:10 - 4:40 pm Tuesday May 23
Other day classes   11:10 am - 1:40 pm Friday May 26
  • Day classes are those that start prior to 4:30 pm
  • The last meeting for a laboratory class will consist of either a final exam OR regular instruction during finals week.
  • When a course meets 4 days per week, use the time for the Daily class.
  • If your class meets at a time other than those listed, please check with your instructor for further information regarding your final examination.
  • Examinations start promptly at time indicated and are held in the same room in which the class regularly meets.
  • Students with an unavoidable conflict in their final examination schedules should make arrangements with one of the instructors to take the examination with another group.

Evening / Off-Campus / Weekend Classes (Spring Semester 2023)

Final examinations for all evening, off-campus, Saturday and Sunday classes will be given during the LAST class meeting scheduled for the course. If a class meets more than once a week, regular instruction is to be held for each evening the class meets prior to the final exam.

  • Evening classes are those that start at 4:30 pm or thereafter
  • For lecture based, on-campus, full-term evening courses that meet once a week, mandatory final examinations are scheduled during the last class meeting as shown below.
  • For lab based, on-campus, full-term evening courses that meet once a week, mandatory final lab examinations OR last day of laboratory instruction, are scheduled during the last class meeting as shown below.
Regular Class Meeting Final Examinations
Monday only classes Monday, May 22
Tuesday only classes Tuesday, May 23
Wednesday only classes Wednesday, May 24
Thursday only classes Thursday, May 25
Friday only classes Friday, May 26
Saturday only classes Saturday, May 20
Sunday only classes Sunday, May 21

Fall Semester 2022

Please note: Short Courses final examinations are given the last day of class.

Day, On-Campus/Synchronous Classes

The following schedule applies to day, full-term, on-campus/synchronous courses with lecture, lab, and/or lecture/lab components.

Time and Days of Regular Class Meeting Time and Day of Final Examination
8:00 or 8:10 am MTWTh, MWF, MW, Daily 8:10 - 10:40 am Friday December 16
8:00/8:10 or 9:10 am Fri 2:10 - 4:40 pm Friday December 16
8:10 am TTh, T, Th 8:10 - 10:40 am Tuesday December 13
9:10 am MWF, MW, Daily 8:10 - 10:40 am Monday December 12
9:35/9:45 or 10:10 am MTWTh, TTh, T, Th 8:10 - 10:40 am Thursday December 15
9:35/9:45 or 10:10 am MWF, MW, Daily  8:10 - 10:40 am Wednesday December 14
11:10 am TTh, T, Th 11:10 am - 1:40 pm Tuesday December 13
11:10 am MWF, MW, MTWTh, Daily 11:10 am - 1:40 pm Monday December 12
12:10 pm MWF, MW, Daily 11:10 am - 1:40 pm Wednesday December 14
12:10, 12:35 or 12:45 pm TTh, T, Th  11:10 am - 1:40 pm Thursday December 15
12:35/12:45; 1:10 or 1:35 pm MWF, MW, MTWTh, Daily  2:10 - 4:40 pm Monday December 12
1:10 pm TTh, T, Th 2:10 - 4:40 pm Tuesday December 13
2:10 pm MWF, MW, Daily 2:10 - 4:40 pm Wednesday December 14
2:10 pm TTh, T, Th 2:10 - 4:40 pm Thursday December 15
Other day classes   11:10 am - 1:40 pm Friday December 16
  • Day classes are those that start prior to 4:30 pm
  • The last meeting for a laboratory class will consist of either a final exam OR regular instruction during finals week.
  • When a course meets 4 days per week, use the time for the Daily class.
  • If your class meets at a time other than those listed, please check with your instructor for further information regarding your final examination.
  • Examinations start promptly at time indicated and are held in the same room in which the class regularly meets.
  • Students with an unavoidable conflict in their final examination schedules should make arrangements with one of the instructors to take the examination with another group.

Evening / Off-Campus / Weekend Classes (Fall Semester 2022)

Final examinations for all evening, off-campus, Saturday and Sunday classes will be given during the LAST class meeting scheduled for the course. If a class meets more than once a week, regular instruction is to be held for each evening the class meets prior to the final exam.

  • Evening classes are those that start at 4:30 pm or thereafter
  • For lecture based, on-campus, full-term evening courses that meet once a week, mandatory final examinations are scheduled during the last class meeting as shown below.
  • For lab based, on-campus, full-term evening courses that meet once a week, mandatory final lab examinations OR last day of laboratory instruction, are scheduled during the last class meeting as shown below.
Regular Class Meeting Final Examinations
Monday only classes Monday, December 12
Tuesday only classes Tuesday, December 13
Wednesday only classes Wednesday, December 14
Thursday only classes Thursday, December 15
Friday only classes Friday, December 16
Saturday only classes Saturday, December 17
Sunday only classes Sunday, December 11