Evaluation of Governance

Updated and approved by PBC on November 7, 2018

In order to assure institutional improvement of the teaching and learning environment, the participatory governance and decision-making processes (planning, program review) will be evaluated regularly. The Planning and Budgeting Council and the College President will share primary responsibility for assuring this evaluation is completed which will be conducted by the Office of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness (PRIE). These evaluations are set up to ensure the participatory governance structure provides for:

  • a collegial process that sets values, goals, and priorities;
  • evaluation and planning rely on high quality research and analysis on external and internal conditions; and
  • educational planning is integrated with resource planning and distribution to achieve student learning outcomes.

The results of these evaluations can be found on the PRIE website under Participatory Governance Process Survey.

Elements of the Evaluation Process

Staff and Student Survey: 

Periodically, the faculty, staff and students will be surveyed to determine if the processes described in the Participatory Governance website are working effectively.

Review by Primary Participatory Governance Groups:

The primary participatory governance groups (IPC/SSPC/APC/Academic Senate/Classified Senate/ASCC) will review the data collected and make recommendations for improvement based on the data.

Review by Planning and Budgeting Council:

The PBC will receive reports from the primary groups and recommend changes to processes as needed.

In addition to the PBC membership, the orientation is open to the District Board of Trustees and the whole campus community.. This training is under the purview of the Offices of Planning, Research, Innovation and Effectiveness (PRIE) and Administrative Services.

Timeline for the Evaluation Process

Activity/Timeline Group Activity
March PBC

Reviews evaluation questions for key governance groups, which may include:

  • Are we achieving the desired levels of awareness and participation from faculty, staff and students?
  • Is the governance group advancing the appropriate agenda?
  • How is the coordination among the governance groups working?
  • How well did the annual planning process work this year?
  • How well did the new hire priority setting process work?
  • Are there any structural issues that should be addressed?
  • Are agendas and minutes communicated to the entire campus?
  • How effective is the group?
  • What could be changed for the upcoming year?

Respond to the evaluation questions on governance and prepare information to be shared with PBC


Report from the governance groups reviewed and discussed.  Changes made as needed.