Naming Files and Folders

The College File Naming Convention applies to all files and folders used on the Cañada College website. Label files and folders using the following rules to ensure web-friendly display, organization, and quick accessibility.

When naming pages, files, and folders, please follow the rules below: 


  • Use only lowercase letters, hyphens, and numbers.
  • Underscores are permitted, but dashes are recommended.


Do not use special characters in a file name. These include:

  • Spaces
  • Hashtag
  • Tilde (ñ)
  • Ampersand (&)
  • At (@)
  • Dollar Sign ($)
  • Slash
  • Period (except for file extensions such as .pdf, .png. .jpeg, etc.)
  • Comma
  • Parenthesis


presidents - message -2023.pcf presidents-message-2023.pcf
Cañada College agenda 2023.pdf canada-college-agenda-2023.pdf
Presidents - Message - 2023 - - - New.pcf presidents-message-2023-new.pcf