Tristan Benz

The strong groundwork laid by service in the 75th Ranger Regiment equipped Tristan Benz with invaluable experiences that prepared him for success within the San Mateo County Community College District. Furthermore, the supportive community environment of the District, characterized by its welcoming atmosphere and dedicated professors and staff committed to student success, has also greatly contributed to Tristan’s community college journey.

Tristan Benz

The faculty members who inspired Tristan during his time at community college played pivotal roles in their academic journey. Initially, Professor Stanford in the History of Western Civilization sparked an unexpected interest with his contagious enthusiasm for the subject. Their numerous conversations, both in and outside of class, were invaluable in shaping their perspective. Similarly, Professor Eck's Philosophy course challenged them with readings from 1500s anthologies, yet he created an ideal environment for deep understanding and appreciation of the works. In Sociology, Professor Eck shed light on societal aspects they had overlooked for years. In addition, Professor Sherer in English laid a solid foundation that Tristan believes will greatly benefit his journey ahead, especially at Yale. Lastly, he is grateful for the guidance and support from Luis Padilla and Juan Vera, the VROC program coordinators at CSM and Cañada College, who have been instrumental in their personal and academic growth.