The Cañada College President's Advisory Council is a network of community leaders who provide input, feedback and support Cañada College. The Group also shares ideas and insight on what the community needs from Cañada College and how Cañada can be the best and most effective partner to accommodate those needs. The College regularly communicates with the President's Advisory Council on progress toward achieving its mission and goals in order to promote understanding of institutional strengths, priorities and areas of continued improvement.
The President’s Advisory Council supports Cañada College leadership in becoming better connected to civic and neighborhood organizations as well as the business community. Members provide advice on a continual basis, not only on meaningful, productive networking, but on other projects that enhance student learning and keep the College focused on being an outstanding teaching and learning organization for the residents of San Mateo County.
The President’s Advisory Council includes representatives from business, industry, government, nonprofit and other organizations whose distinctive backgrounds form a strong foundation of knowledge and support for the President of Cañada College.
Primary Responsibilities
The President’s Advisory Council meets quarterly with meaningful discussions on how to improve the foundation of decisions that enhance how the College connects with the community. They also provide counsel to the President of Cañada College, in supporting the President’s Luncheon.
President’s Luncheon
The members of the President’s Advisory Council raise financial support for the President's Innovation Fund and the Promise Scholars Program by hosting the President's Luncheon. This event brings together individuals from around the community for a program aimed at highlighting the accomplishments of Cañada College over the past year – it’s one of the primary ways the College reports out how it benefits the community it serves. Funds raised at the luncheon support the President’s Innovation Fund and the Promise Scholars Program.