Cañada College Holds Strong Presence at the American Society of Engineering Education 2015 Annual Conference

Tue, 23 June, 2015 at 12:57 pm

This June 2015 at the Washington Convention Center in Seattle, Cañada College STEM Center programs were strongly represented at the 122nd American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) annual conference. Engineering professors Amelito Enriquez and Nicholas Langhoff were presented the Best Paper Award from the Minorities in Engineering Division for their paper titled Assessing the Impact of Research Experiences on the Success of Underrepresented Community College Engineering Students. The paper highlights Cañada College’s NASA-CIPAIR summer engineering research internship for engineering students. Enriquez and Langhoff were also elected to the Executive Board of the ASEE Two-Year College Division, with Enriquez as the Division Chair and Program Chair for the 2016 ASEE conference, and Langhoff as the Newsletter Editor/Webmaster.

Enriquez and Langhoff also presented the latest results of their National Science Foundation funded project on creating an online lower division engineering laboratory curriculum in a poster presentation titled Work In Progress: Creating Alternative Learning Strategies for Transfer Engineering Programs.

Many other Cañada College STEM programs were also represented this year at the conference. Math professor Ray Lapuz and professor Langhoff co-presented a paper on the college’s STEM Institute – a summer outreach program to introduce local high school students to STEM careers. STEM Center Project Director Anna Camacho presented a paper on creating the college’s STEM Center. Math professor Denise Hum and Ms. Camacho presented a paper on the college’s Math Jam program, and STEM Center Program Services Coordinator and adjunct physics professor Courtney Hadsell presented a paper on the college’s Physics Jam program. 

Congratulations to the STEM faculty and staff that presented and represented the success of Cañada College STEM programs at the ASEE 2015 Annual Conference! 

Posted in: Asee, Engineering, Featured, Math, Physics, Science, Stem