Brandon Price Hired to Research A2B Grant, CALSTEP Programs
Tue, 15 January, 2013 at 6:59 amPrice is in the Educational Leadership Ed.D Program at CSU Stanislaus
It’s a long way from Moccasin, near Hetch Hetchy Reservoir
in Yosemite, to Cañada College – both literally and figuratively. But that’s
the route Brandon Price has traveled to become a researcher at the college.
“I grew up in Moccasin, which is a very small company town,” he said. “Everyone who lived there worked for San Francisco Water and Power, which operates the reservoir and hydroelectric power plant in the town. I was a first-generation community college
student at Columbia Community College before transferring to CSU Stanislaus
where I did my undergraduate degree in economics and a Master’s in Public
Now, Price is finishing his Ed.D in Educational Leadership
with an emphasis on community college leadership. He’s in the same program with
Jeffrey Rhoades, who just joined the college as the Assistant Project Director
for the A2B Grant in the Center for International and University Studies, and
Jessica Kaven, Associate Professor of Communication Studies.
Price will be providing research support for the A2B Grant
and the $6 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education that is funding
the California Alliance for the Long-term Strengthening of Transfer Engineering
Programs (CALSTEP).

He said he will also be supporting the development of an
evaluation plan for the A2B Grant, which is designed to help students transfer
from Cañada into four-year degree programs offered by partner universities at
the Center for International and University Studies.
Prior to accepting the job at Cañada, Price spent time as a
teacher both at K-12 and at the college level and worked at CSU Stanislaus as
the Director of Student Activities and as the Budget and Judicial Affairs
Price played tennis at Columbia Community College and said
he still enjoys playing recreational tennis. He also likes cycling, golf, and
sabermetrics, the specialized analysis of baseball through objective evidence,
especially baseball statistics.