What's Happening at Cañada: Week of September 20, 2016
Tue, 20 September, 2016 at 9:48 am
Week of September 20th, 2016
September 20
Google Workshop Series – Presented by Dina Zidan
Tues Sept 20th Google Drive workshop 6-7p.m.
Build. 9-206
Wed Sept 21st Google Doc workshop 12-1p.m.
Build. 9-206
Thurs Sept 22nd Google Doc workshop 6-7p.m.
Build. 9-206
Mon Sept 26th Google Slide workshop 12-1p.m.
Build. 9-206
Tues Sept 27th Google Slide workshop 6-7p.m.
Build. 9-206
Wed Sept 28th Google Sheets workshop 12-1p.m.
Build. 9-206
Thurs Sept 29th Google Sheets workshop 6-7p.m.
Build. 9-206
September 21
STEM Speaker Series – Alex Kaffka,
Vice President of Energy and Solar
Building 6, Room 102
5-6 p.m.
Join the STEM team and special guest speaker,
Alex Kaffka. As the Vice President of Energy and Solar, he will enlighten
everyone on the abundant power source, and how it applies to us here at Cañada
September 22
Study in Florence, Italy Spring 2017 Information Session
Building 3, Room 142
Information Session: 2-3 p.m.
“Expand Your World” Florence / Barcelona Study Abroad Info. Session
Social Sciences Hub - Building 9, Room 307
Information Session: 6-6:45 p.m.
Statistics Calculator Workshop –
Presented by David Monarres
Building 9, Room 257-A
1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Are you sending too much time on one problem?
There is a better way! Learn to use your calculator for Statistics.
Ecology, Technology and Building New
Roads to Our Future - A Social Sciences TOI (Topic of Interest) with Professor
Jessica Marshall, Anthropology
Social Sciences Hub - Building 9, Room 307
4:45 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Four-lane highways may be a necessity for our
modern society, but they can be death traps for millions of wild animals that
try to cross them. Join us for the film, “Wild Ways” (PBS / NOVA 2016) and a
discussion of promising new approaches to conservation that offer hope for the
future of wildlife across the planet.
September 24
Artistry in Fashion
60+ Designer Sale: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Designer Showcase: 11 a.m., in the Amphitheater
Open House: Noon - 3 p.m. in Building 3
Enjoy this special event benefitting the Cañada
College Fashion & Merchandising Scholarships Program.
Redwood Symphony Concert – Subscription Concert
Cañada College Theater, Building 3
7:30 p.m.
Weill & Brecht: The Rise and Fall of the
City of Mahagonny in English, with supertitles
Directed by Phil Lower
September 25
San Francisco Exploratorium Visit –
Latino Engineering Day
Sign up at Learning Center, Building 9, Second Floor
Visit runs from 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Sign up in the Learning Center Front Desk to
attend this off-campus engineering event!
September 26
NSF Scholarship Deadline - Drop-in
Help Dates below
Sign up at Learning Center, Building 9, Second Floor
Drop by to complete your scholarship
application. Get everything done this week so you can meet the Sept 26th
deadline! www.canadacollege.edu/nsfscholar
Check in at Olivia’s desk (by the door to 9-257)
Monday – 2-4pm
Tuesday – 2:30-5pm
Wednesday 9:30-11am
Thursday – 9:30-11am
Thursday - Final Workshop to Complete Your Personal Statement - 2-4pm
Friday -- 10am-2pm
September 27
Interviewing Essentials
1-2 p.m.
In this workshop, you will learn about the
purpose of an interview, different types of interviews, how to prepare and
Target, Reach and
Safety Schools: A Balance List of Options
CEITL (Building 9, Room 154)
1-2 p.m.
Don’t focus on
just getting in! Learn how to create a well-rounded college list of schools
that are a good fit for you. Facilitated by Melissa Alforja, TRIO Faculty
Coordinator and counselor.
Cañada Men’s Soccer vs Monterey Peninsula College
Cañada College Soccer Field
4 p.m.
Cheer on the Colts as they take on Monterey
Peninsula College!
Cañada Women’s Soccer vs Skyline College
Cañada College
1:30 p.m.
“Expand Your World” Florence / Barcelona Study Abroad Info. Session
Social Sciences Hub - Building 9, Room 307
Information Session: 2-2:30 p.m.Posted in: About Cañada, Artistry In Fashion, Fashion, Featured, Financial Aid, Stem, Study Abroad, Symphony, What's Happening