Sarah Newton Art Show Held at Cañada College

Mon, 26 February, 2018 at 2:26 pm


The Cañada College Art Gallery is proud to present and exhibition of drawings by the San Francisco artist, Sarah Newton. The show runs through April 5. The College Art Gallery is located in Building 9, Room 152. The gallery will be closed during Spring Break.

This exhibition consists of 12 works on paper, using ink wash and gouache, or opaque watercolor. These are primarily skillfully composed and executed landscapes depicting scenes that Sarah has encountered in her walks on the Bay Trail.

“It is a marginal zone here, where industries and people are pushed out to the edges of the populated areas to face away from the cities and suburbs. On the land power plants, airports, trailer parks, jails, concrete yards and other urban outliers stand near the water’s edge. Below them are salt ponds and canals, houseboats in hidden marinas, power lines running through the marshes. It is also a marginal zone of course in that it is the very edge of the ocean; fragile, constantly changing, holding a mixed slurry of garbage and abundant life, and it will be the shifting margin where people soon will see the drastic longer-term effects of our hand on the environment. In the naming of coastal zones, the foreshore is the area between the high and low water lines, most influenced by the changing tides. It is also less specifically the area between the water and developed land. To me the name has an echo of apprehension or expectancy: forecast, foresight, foreshadow.”

The gallery is open Mondays and Wednesdays, 9:30 a.m. – 2 p.m., and Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Posted in: About Cañada, Art, Art Gallery, Calendar Of Events, Featured