In the News
Student Senate Attends the American Student Association of Community Colleges National Conference
Tue, 24 April, 2018 at 2:48 pm in About Cañada, ASCC, Featured, Student Life, Student Service Student Senate Attends the American Student Association of Community Colleges National Conference This spring, the Student Senate was able to advocate for California Community College moreCañada College expands the Working Families Success Network strategy
Thu, 28 August, 2014 at 11:02 am in Achieving The Dream, Cañada, Cañada College, Education, Financial Service, Financial Success, Human Services, Outreach, Professional Organizations, SparkPoint, Student Service, WFSN, Working Families Jose A. Garcia, Cañada College Phone: (650) 306-3211 E-mail: moreNew SparkPoint Center
Mon, 7 July, 2014 at 9:38 pm in Featured, Student Service It has been said that many of our students are a “flat tire away from dropping out of college” as they have limited resources available to support themselves as they are pursuing their moreStudent Fees for Fall Semester Due by Aug. 1
Wed, 11 July, 2012 at 2:12 pm in Featured, Fees, Scholarship, Student Life, Student Service Students who have any outstanding fee balances will be dropped from all fall classes at midnight for non-payment of outstanding fees. On Wednesday, August 1, students who have any unpaid fees moreRegister Now For Fall Classes
Wed, 11 July, 2012 at 1:47 pm in Academics, Admissions and Records, Featured, Student Service Fall classes begin Monday, August 20. Registration is underway for summer session and fall semester. Summer session begins Monday, June 18. Day and evening classes for fall semester begin moreXenia Leon Hopes to Help Low-Income People Through Electrical Engineering
Wed, 11 July, 2012 at 9:26 am in Biology, Engineering, MESA, Student Life, Student Service Leon will graduate from Cañada and transfer to Cal Poly this fall. Xenia Leon originally thought she wanted to pursue a career in nursing to help low-income residents but now she plans to help moreRead more