In the News
STEM Speaker Series Connects Students with Alumni & Professionals
Wed, 2 February, 2022 at 2:20 pm in About Cañada, Featured, Stem, Stem Speaker Series Every year, the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Center at Cañada College hosts the STEM Speaker Series, a series of talks from professionals and alumni in the STEM moreSTEM Speaker Series Re imagined to Offer Students Virtual Experiences
Mon, 26 April, 2021 at 10:28 am in Alumni, Featured, Stem, Stem Speaker Series The STEM Center at Cañada College was created to cultivate the study of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math to support students pursuing a career in this competitive field. The STEM moreRadiologic Technology Student Receives Top Award
Wed, 13 November, 2019 at 4:07 pm in About Cañada, Career Education; Strong Workforce, Featured, Radiologic Technology, Stem, Student Success, Student Success Story The Jeannie Method: Breakthrough in the Radiologic Tech Program Radiologists use sophisticated technology and positioning techniques to produce medical moreWhat's Happening at Cañada: Week of September 2, 2019
Tue, 3 September, 2019 at 10:42 am in About Cañada, Cañada College, Featured, Soccer-women, Stem Week of September 2, 2019 Now Until December 5, 2019 English Pronunciation & Conversation M, T, W, Th from 11 a.m.-12 p.m. M, T, W, Th from 6-7 p.m. Building 9, Room 251C Practice moreSTEM Center Team Presents at National Conference
Tue, 8 May, 2018 at 8:59 am in About Cañada, Featured, Stem STEM Center Team Presents at National Conference On March 25-28, members of the STEM Center and Learning Center teams attended the National Alliance of Hispanic Serving Institution moreAnna Camacho Chosen as SMCCCD Classified Employee of the Year
Tue, 28 March, 2017 at 12:25 pm in About Cañada, Featured, Stem Anna Camacho Chosen as SMCCCD Classified Employee of the Year Cañada’s own, Anna Camacho (STEM Project Director) was chosen by the Board of Trustees as SMCCCD moreCañada College Awarded $4.3 Million Federal STEM Grant to Support Hispanic Students
Tue, 18 October, 2016 at 9:51 am in About Cañada, Featured, Stem Cañada College Awarded $4.3 Million Federal STEM Grant to Support Hispanic Students REDWOOD CITY, CALIF. (October 18, 2016) – The HSI-STEM program at the Department of Education moreSTEM Student Participates in Authentic NASA Experience
Tue, 27 September, 2016 at 9:42 am in About Cañada, Featured, Stem, Studentsuccess STEM Student Participates in Authentic NASA Experience Cañada College STEM student, Fernando Lorenzo, was one of the first students in his school to be accepted into moreWhat's Happening at Cañada: Week of September 20, 2016
Tue, 20 September, 2016 at 9:48 am in About Cañada, Artistry In Fashion, Fashion, Featured, Financial Aid, Stem, Study Abroad, Symphony, What's Happening Week of September 20th, 2016 September 20 Google Workshop Series – Presented by Dina Zidan Tues Sept 20th Google Drive workshop 6-7p.m. Build. 9-206 Wed Sept 21st Google Doc moreWhat's Happening at Cañada: Week of September 20, 2016
Tue, 20 September, 2016 at 9:48 am in About Cañada, Artistry In Fashion, Fashion, Featured, Financial Aid, Stem, Study Abroad, Symphony, What's Happening Week of September 20th, 2016 September 20 Google Workshop Series – Presented by Dina Zidan Tues Sept 20th Google Drive workshop 6-7p.m. Build. 9-206 Wed Sept 21st Google Doc moreSTEM Center Represented at 123rd ASEE National Conference in New Orleans
Wed, 31 August, 2016 at 11:55 am in About Cañada, Cañada, Featured, Stem Cañada College was represented by STEM Center faculty, staff, and students at the 123rd ASEE National Conference in New Orleans on June 26-29. The STEM Center team consisted, of Amelito moreAmelito Enriquez Recognized with Outstanding Teaching Award
Thu, 19 May, 2016 at 11:52 am in About Cañada, Engineering, Featured, Math, Stem Amelito Enriquez Recognized with Outstanding Teaching Award Amelito Enriquez, Ph.D., Cañada Professor of Engineering and Mathematics, was moreWelcome Karen Arnold and John Omar to the Learning Center
Thu, 28 April, 2016 at 10:51 am in About Cañada, Featured, Learning Center, Stem Welcome Karen Arnold and John Omar to the Learning Center Please join the Learning Center and STEM teams in welcoming Karen Arnold and John Omar to the Cañada College family! Karen Arnold moreCañada College Holds Strong Presence at the American Society of Engineering Education 2015 Annual Conference
Tue, 23 June, 2015 at 12:57 pm in Asee, Engineering, Featured, Math, Physics, Science, Stem This June 2015 at the Washington Convention Center in Seattle, Cañada College STEM Center programs were strongly represented at the 122nd American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) moreCañada Engineering Student Travels to NASA
Tue, 19 May, 2015 at 3:48 pm in Engineering, Featured, Stem, Studentsuccess Cañada College Engineering student David Alvarez was selected to travel to NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas this past April to participate in the NASA Community College moreCañada College Engineering Students and Faculty Present at 2015 American Society for Engineering Education Pacific Southwest Conference
Tue, 14 April, 2015 at 12:03 pm in Engineering, Featured, Stem, Stemcenter Eleven Cañada College engineering students attended the 2015 American Society for Engineering Education Pacific Southwest Conference in San Diego on April 9-11, 2015. The students presented the moreCañada Chemistry Professor Recognized with 2014 Community College Teacher Scholar Award
Thu, 19 March, 2015 at 12:46 pm in Chemistry, Featured, Physical Sciences, Stem, Tricca Cañada College Chemistry Professor Jeanette Medina presents the 2014 Community College Teacher Scholar Award to Cañada College Chemistry Professor Robert Tricca. Cañada College moreSTEM Students Present at SACNAS
Wed, 21 January, 2015 at 8:47 am in Cañada, Cañada College, Featured, Growth, Science, Smcccd, Smccd, Stem, Stemcenter, Studentsuccess We love sharing success stories about our students. STEM students William Berrios, Giovani Rodriguez, and Colin McGill recently delivered a superb research presentation at the 2014 SACNAS (Society moreCathy Lipe and Leonor Cabrera Honored by College for John and Suanne Roeuche Innovation Award
Mon, 5 January, 2015 at 2:55 pm in Biological Sciences, Cañada, Cañada College, Featured, Math, Physical Sciences, Stem, Stemcenter Cathy Lipe and Leonor Cabrera Honored by College for John and Suanne Roeuche Innovation Award Each year, the League for Innovation in the Community College allows member colleges moreRead more