In the News

STEM Speaker Series Re imagined to Offer Students Virtual Experiences

Mon, 26 April, 2021 at 10:28 am in Alumni, Featured, Stem, Stem Speaker Series  The STEM Center at Cañada College was created to cultivate the study of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math to support students pursuing a career in this competitive field. The STEM more

Cañada College Paralegal Department Student Success Story – Eli Angote

Wed, 14 August, 2019 at 5:02 pm in About Cañada, Alumni, Business Design and Workforce, Career Education; Strong Workforce, Paralegal, Student Success Eli is the founder of TheBestNotary ( and a graduate from Cañada College’s Paralegal Program. A native Kenyan, he moved to the US in 2000 and California in 2004. more

Student Success Story: Interior Design Alum, Alina Halloran

Thu, 23 August, 2018 at 11:41 am in Alumni, Business Design and Workforce, Interior Design, Student Success Student Success Story: Interior Design Alum, Alina Halloran Alina Halloran has been involved in creative fields for most of her adult life, and understands the impact that functional and more

Student Success Story: Silvia Gomez

Wed, 28 March, 2018 at 5:25 pm in Alumni, Career, Featured, Medical Assisting, Student Success Student Success Story: Silvia Gomez  It took Silvia Gomez almost five years to earn her medical assisting certificate from Cañada College. But just days after graduating, she more

Cañada Alum Donates Cultural Art Piece to the College

Fri, 19 January, 2018 at 8:59 am in About Cañada, Alumni, Canada In Your Community, Featured Cañada Alum Donates Cultural Art Piece to the College With the start of 2018, Cañada alumnus, David Lopez, reminds Cañadians why they’re here and why the College is so special. David more

Current and Former Digital Art Students Create a Video

Tue, 31 October, 2017 at 3:46 pm in About Cañada, Alumni, Digital Art, Featured, Student Success Current and Former Digital Art Students Create a Video Digital Art & Animation students Elizabeth Birdwell, Gabrielle Soleimanipour, and Ivy Wooldridge, along with alumnus Eliza more

Digital Arts Alums Reconnect

Thu, 23 February, 2017 at 4:10 pm in About Cañada, Alumni, Digital Art, Featured  Digital Arts Alums Reconnect   Professor Paul Naas got together with several former Digital Art & Animation (DA&A) students for a reunion on Sunday, February 5. more

Colt Classic Baseball Challenge Set for March 15

Wed, 5 March, 2014 at 7:38 am in Accounting, Alumni, Anthropology, Athletics, Biology, Business, Futurestudents Cañada College is hosting an “Old Fashioned Day at the Ballpark” on Saturday, March 15. The Colts will be playing their San Mateo County rivals, the Skyline Trojans, for the Golden Horseshoe more

Noel Chavez Hired as College Recruiter

Tue, 3 December, 2013 at 5:25 pm in Alumni, Featured, Studentexperience Noel Chavez, a former Cañada College student and a Sequoia High School graduate, has been hired as Cañada's new college recruiter. He replaces Ariackna Alvarez who moved to Southern California more

Wired for Success: Cañada Alum is Web Content Strategist at Wells Fargo

Thu, 7 November, 2013 at 9:19 am in Alumni, Featured, Studentexperience Courtney Caldwell arrived at Cañada College in the fall of 2007 eager to explore the field of digital media but not sure what career track to pursue. “Cañada had the most flexible digital more

Video Game Artist Draws Success at Zynga

Tue, 5 November, 2013 at 8:48 am in Alumni, Student Experiences As a student at Westmoor High School in Daly City, Truman Simpson avoided math and science classes whenever possible. Now, as a video game designer for Zynga, he understands math’s importance. more

Lexie Munevar Finds Support, Success, at Cañada College

Thu, 24 October, 2013 at 8:37 am in Alumni, Anthropology, Biology, Chemistry, Communication Studies, Math, Psychology, Studentexperiences Munevar struggled at Carlmont High but blossomed at Cañada   Sometimes, an average student can find success with a little support. That was certainly the case for Lexie Munevar, who did more

Christian Rodriguez Uses Cañada as a Stepping Stone to a UC Davis Engineering Degree

Mon, 21 October, 2013 at 7:46 am in Alumni, Engineering, Featured, Mathematics, Studentexperiences Rodriguez at UC Davis graduation Like many high school graduates, Redwood City’s Christian Rodriguez found the financial obstacles to attending college daunting. He was accepted into several more

Former Cañada College Student Rose Whitmore Receives Prestigious Literary Prize

Thu, 12 September, 2013 at 11:40 am in Alumni, English, Studentexperiences Former Cañada College student and current Belmont resident Rose Whitmore has received the prestigious William Peden Prize, which recognizes the best piece of fiction published in The Missouri more

A Five-Year Journey Ends at Commencement for Yesenia Haro

Thu, 6 June, 2013 at 9:21 am in Alumni, Featured, Future Students, Studentexperiences The Cañada College employee earns her Associate’s Degree in Human Services Yesenia Haro After five years of studying, one class a semester, Cañada College employee Yesenia Haro was more

Cañada Alum Esther Chan is Researching Sustainable Energy at UC San Diego

Fri, 10 May, 2013 at 12:47 pm in Alumni, Engineering, Featured, Future Students, Mathematics, Science, Studentexperiences The Former Woodside High School Graduate is Researching Material for a Stretchable Solar Cell Cañada College alum Esther Chan has received a grant from the California Institute for more

Cañada Alum Isaiah Roggow Prepares for Med School

Mon, 8 April, 2013 at 8:53 am in Alumni, Featured, Student Experiences Roggow will focus on primary care for the needy Former Cañada College student Isaiah Roggow has been accepted to the UC Riverside School of Medicine where he will study to become a primary more

Former Cañada Student Monique Ellis Teaches Others

Mon, 8 April, 2013 at 8:37 am in Alumni, Featured, Student Experiences Ellis is working as a teaching assistant at East Palo Alto Academy.     Monique Ellis (L) with EPAA teacher Misla Barco Monique Ellis will never forget Cañada College professors Bob more

Cañada College Named One of California's Top 25 Community Colleges

Tue, 8 May, 2012 at 9:25 am in About Cañada, Accreditation, Admissions and Records, Alumni, Featured, History In a special report on California's community colleges, rated Cañada College as one of the state's Top 25. In describing the school, the website said, "Cañada College proves that big more

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