ACCEL Meetings

For the most updated source of ACCEL meetings, please visit SharePoint here.


Remaining meetings this year are scheduled to occur at San Mateo Adult School from 12:30-3:00 p.m. on November 21, 2016 and December 8, 2016.


On September 30, 2016, ACCEL will undergo professional development training facilitated by Leading From the Middle (LFM) Academy.  The three days of training are scheduled for September 30, November 4 and December 2.


On September 8, 2016, the ACCEL Steering Committee met at San Mateo Adult School.  Minutes can be found here.


On August 26, 2016, a team retreat was hosted at San Mateo Adult School.  A portion of the retreat content can be found here.


On August 18, 2016, an orientation for new ACCEL staff took place at San Mateo Adult School.  Participants at the orientation include: Caroline Ouyang (Cañada College - Transition Coordinator), Melina Boyd (College of San Mateo - Transition Coordinator), Stacy Nojima (Skyline College - Transition Coordinator), Patty Villar (San Mateo Adult School - Career Navigator), Lani Xiao (Jefferson Adult School - Career Navigator), Liliana Campos (Sequoia Adult School - Career Navigator) and Melissa Martinez (Sequoia Adult School - Career Navigator).  To prepare for the orientation, participating staff were tasked with a landscaping assignment to refine the vision and pathways within ACCEL.


On July 27, 2016, ACCEL Transition Coordinators Melina Boyd, Stacy Nojima and Caroline Ouyang held an informal meeting at College of San Mateo to discuss current projects and plans at their respective campuses and adult schools.  Skyline College's current pathways include allied health and hospitality; there is interest from South San Francisco Adult School to explore a pathway in sustainable construction.  College of San Mateo and San Mateo Adult School have been working closely to offer a college-readiness multi-day workshop in April 2017, and College of San Mateo also is considering offering an English JAM or Math JAM like those offered at Canada College.  Cañada College's ESL pathway continues to be a strong component at La Costa Adult School and Sequoia Adult School, and due to the success of the JAM sessions on campus, a new CTE Jam (focused on career-readiness and soft skills in a business environment) is scheduled for October 2016.  La Costa Adult School has been exploring hospitality and restaurant pathways, while Sequoia Adult School currently has a cohort of students learning coding and has suggested revisiting a pilot pathway in Early Childhood Education (ECE).  At Cañada College's Menlo Park site, classes in Computer Business Online Technology (CBOT), Human Services, and ESL continue to be offered.


On July 14, 2016, the ACCEL Steering Committee and Executive Committee held meetings at 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. at San Mateo Adult School.  The focus of the meetings was to review budget proposals from any of the eight institutions.  Cañada College proposed professional development training by RP Group's Leading from the Middle Academy, which received unanimous committee support, and discussions are currently underway to solidify a training schedule.  Two proposals to set aside funding for prospective faculty and administrators to obtain adult education credentials and administrative services credentials aligned with the vision of ACCEL, however, further modification to the proposals are needed before committee approval.  Finally, La Costa Adult School presented an extensive proposal for additional funding.  Due to the tremendous success of the previous semester offerings at the newly opened school, more classes and wraparound services are tentatively scheduled.  While ACCEL fully supports La Costa's plans to serve even more students along the coast, the funding request was not granted.  ACCEL will initiate a meeting with Cabrillo Unified School District to request funding for La Costa's initiatives.


On June 30, 2016, the ACCEL Steering Committee convened at San Mateo Adult School from 1:00-3:00 p.m. to address a budget and expenditure plan, student data reports, summer schedules, and new staff to the organization.  


Cañada College


The DEAMers task force will be meeting regularly throughout the course of the semester. You will be able to view a summary of the discussions and agenda items of previous meetings as it becomes available. Please feel free to check this page from time to time. - See more at: