Tutoring Services

Tutors in the Learning Center

Summer 2024 Tutoring Starts June 10th

Appointments available starting Wednesday June 12th

Monday - Thursday: 10AM - 6PM


For both of drop in and appointments, the available times are based on the tutor schedule below. Please review the schedule to know when tutors are available; you will be able to drop in or schedule an appointment at those times.

Tutor Schedule
(Check back often as additional tutors and tutor availability is updated daily)

Summer Tutor Schedule




To use the tutoring services, you can either walk into the learning center or schedule an appointment. Tutoring appointments are available in person and via Zoom. They must be scheduled at least 12 hours in advance.


Schedule a Tutoring Appointment

Step by Step Tutoring Appointments

Drop in Tutoring

  • Same day, first come, first served, on campus only
  • Available in the Learning Center, Building 9, 2nd Floor
  • Please check schedule below daily for most updated tutor availability
  • No appointment needed.

Useful links

"Learning comes from study, but not all study can be done with a tutor."

Tutoring should not be used to do your homework (with tutoring sessions limited to 30 minutes, it may not be possible to complete an entire assignment). It is always better to attempt your homework on your own and do the best that you can, even if it is all wrong. A tutoring session will help you clarify the process of getting the correct answer, allowing you to complete your assignment and making the learning experience better for you. Tutors cannot help you with online or take-home exams. All exams must be taken by the student enrolled in the class.

How Can a Tutor Help Me?

Tutors can help in a variety of ways and make the material that seems impossible clear and manageable. Here are some things that tutors can assist you with:

  • Clarifying Class Concepts
  • Study Tips/Organization
  • Exam Review
  • Reviewing Missed Questions from Homework and/or Exams
  • The Writing Process

How Do I Prepare for a Tutoring Session?

Preparation before a tutoring session makes time spent with a tutor productive. Here are some tips on how you can be prepared for your next tutoring session:

  • Be sure to bring all your materials.
    • This includes your textbook, handouts, and any other study materials that are related to the assignment(s) for which you are looking assistance.
  • Attempt the assignment on your own.
    • As stated before, tutoring session are not for completing homework, they are for gaining clarity on the work that you have completed. If you get it wrong the tutor is there to help you correct the mistakes so that you can then make the necessary corrections.
  • Develop questions for which you need clarity
    • Tutoring sessions are limited to about 30 minutes. While this is not an absolute rule, tutors will endeavor to get your questions clarified and you working independently in a 30-minute window.

Please contact Julian Taylor if you have any questions regarding Tutoring Services:

Julian Taylor (Tutor Coordinator/Basic Skills Specialist)

Academic Support and Learning Technologies - Learning Center